Gotask - Case Study

The "Go Task Me" website is designed to promote a daily task management and reminder mobile app, targeting individuals seeking to enhance their productivity and organizational skills. The homepage features a prominent banner section showcasing a mobile mockup that displays the app's main screens, accompanied by two call-to-action (CTA) buttons linking directly to Google Play and the Apple Store for easy downloads.

What we did

  • App Showcase in Banner: A dynamic banner displaying the app interface within a mobile mockup, emphasizing the app's user-friendly design and key features.
  • Dual CTA Buttons: Distinct CTA buttons for Google Play and Apple Store, enhancing user convenience by providing direct download options.
  • Security Assurance: A section highlighting the app's security features with a "100% Secure" guarantee to build trust among potential users.
  • Instant Alert Features: Details on the app’s capability to deliver instant alerts and reminders, showcasing its efficiency.
  • Interactive Video Guide: An embedded "How It Works" video guide providing a quick and engaging way to understand the app’s functionality.
  • User Testimonials: Quotes from trusted users integrated into the homepage to provide social proof and encourage new users to try the app.